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Chef Alison Negrin & Associates
Menu development and consulting

Casa Caponetti Days
Casa Caponetti is located in central Italy, about an hour north of Rome. Turning off Hwy SP3 after passing through the town of Tuscania (2 k

Why we love Meyer lemons
Meyer lemons have been around a lot longer than California Cuisine. They were identified in 1908 by none other than Frank N. Meyer and are

Heart to Table
It is my intention to choose a kind of food and preparation that is right for who is being served, that will enhance their journey and feed

Lost in Translation
The first course was to be an appetizer of tiny Belon oysters, broiled with truffle butter and served on a platter lined with coarse sea sal

What I cooked for Alice
Chef Alison cooks for Alice Waters and staff at Chez Panisse

End of Summer in the Garden
Tomatoes and corn are nearing the end of their prime yet they are still readily available and delicious and often a great price as...

Eggplant meltdown and cooking with my sister
My sister lives miles away, in Stockholm, but somehow we often seem to be exploring the same cooking projects simultaneously. Whether...

Fresh Corn Succotash
Popular during the Great Depression, this dish provides all of the essential amino acids which makes it a less expensive alternative to...

Smoky Grilled Mediterranean Salsa
Just in time for the tomato, corn and zucchini harvest here in California! Yield: ~4 cups (1 quart) Ingredients 1 cup Smoked and...

Corn and Zucchini fritters
A new take on summer vegetables! These fritters incorporate the unusual flavors of feta cheese and chopped mint, to make a most...
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